Russell Rucker
Author in Constitutional Study
Great men do not create great events; men become great because of great events and their ability to react to them.
- Textualism and Originalism
I am not a historical scholar. I’m more of a student of history; and in order to understand our Constitution, we have to know why things were done the way they were back in the Revolutionary period.
Most of our founders were successful simple citizens. Sure they may have been mostly politicians of their time, but they were moved towards the cause of liberty.
- Textualism and Originalism
- Our Founders in Their Words

Mr. Rucker is devoted to upholding and defending our Constitution. Ever since he was just a young boy, about 15 or 16, he became extraordinarily interested in the Constitution and the founders of our country, the United States. He currently runs a group on Facebook that discusses the Constitution, as well as other political matters. As a public speaker, he has spoken to a dozen groups from all spectrums, trying his best to defend our Constitution of the United States.
His most recent endeavor has been releasing a new book, 126 Days in Philada. This book describes the Constitutional Convention in a fun and interesting, but informative way. A fictional delegate takes you through the Convention through his perspective. Everything is kept as accurate as possible. This book was written to get the greater public interested in the Convention.

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